T-26 used to be my favorite tank of all time, and to this day it still sits in my top 5. Naturally, this model was a little dream come true. I got it shortly after Zvezda released it as their new kit because the offerings on the market before that were extremely poor. I had to fill and sand some gaps and destroy some rivets in the process, but I managed to replace them with a very strange and inefficient technique. Basically, you drill holes where rivets should go, insert a short length of stretched sprue into the hole, and hit it with a lighter. The heat will cause the plastic string to curl up into a neat little rivet.
I tried to replicate a damaged suspension bogey based on a historical photograph. And something tells me that this model deserves a round two with the newer Hobby Boss kit, and maybe a nice winter camouflage.
This model is now in a private collection.