This is an old model built from a very poor kit. It was built by an aircraft modeler buddy of mine who wanted to try armor for once. Not a great choice for your first armor kit, let’s just say that!
He gave me the model assembled and painted with green enamel paint. It sat in my stash for years until I decided to restore and improve it. The process was actually really fun! When the kit is poor, your expectations are set very low, or let’s just say it more politely – at a reasonable level. And if your expectations are already low, it’s very easy to surpass them!
The KV-220/2 was one of those Frankenstein monster type of tanks that supposedly saw action in Leningrad. The situation during the siege was dire, and the tank factories had to resort to all sorts of crazy modifications or just forcefully slam different tanks together. A good example is a supposed T-26 hull with a BT tank turret that was welded on top of it. Yup, welded, so it couldn’t rotate.
That’s why I named the tank “Leningradets” or “Citizen of Leningrad”.