
category Scale models
scale 1/35
modifications Masterclub tracks, Eduard PE
eraWW 2
brand Trumpeter
finished in 2023

Another one of those vehicles that fascinated me since I was a kid. I saw it first in a video game Blitzkrieg and wanted to build it ever since. My parents gave me the Dragon kit as a Christmas present, but I never finished it and ultimately, it ended its journey in the trash bin.

Here’s a funny story about that present: my dad used to drive me to model shows when I was too young to drive myself. It was the last show of the season at the end of November and I saw the Morser Karl kit at one of the vendor stands. I asked my dad if they would give it to me as a Christmas present. My dad shrugged and went for a smoke outside, and about an hour later when we were leaving I didn’t see the kit there anymore. Of course, it was a nice surprise to find it under the Christmas tree, and I honestly didn’t expect it, but learning the backstory was even better. When my dad went outside for a smoke, he called my mom and angrily told her: “That kid is nuts! You won’t believe what an expensive model he wants me to buy him!” But my mom shut him down really quickly “Listen, we don’t have a present for him, get back inside and grab it before someone else buys it.” 🙂

Years later, I decided to redeem my mistake and build it again, but this time using the Trumpeter kit which is much more detailed and accurate. It was a lot of work because the kit is quite rough around the edges, so I spent the majority of my time filling stuff with putty and scraping flash with a hobby knife. But I’m so glad for the experience, it was seriously fun to make my childhood dream a reality!

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